Monday, February 7, 2011

Colts Baptism/our new bishop

The last two weeks have been long ones.
 I went in to see Dr. Marshell just to have a routine visit so I can get refills on my prescriptions.
I always have to do a fasting blood test for my cholesterol, and he tests my thyroid levels basically a whole panel of stuff. My triglycerides always have been a little high. but this time they where double what they should be. So I got to do a second blood test to see what my sugar was doing in my body. Then came the news I have diabetes. 
I also went through one of the longest nights of my life having a sleep study. I am supposed to have the results of that test back next week. I hope it comes back normal so I don't have to do another night there.
We decided to make a quick trip up for colts baptism. After the luncheon Jim let us know he was getting put in as Bishop the next day. We stayed to support him and get to see him set apart. It was a great way to end the weekend.
Dad and Mom we decided not to stop and see you on the way home because I came home with the flu and didn't want to share.

1 comment:

Max & Pat Wood said...

I'm sorry you had the flu and i hope you're better now, but I'm most concerned about the diabetes diagnosis. This is not a fun thing. Let me know how things go.
Congratulations to Jim on being a new bishop. He will do a great job.