Wednesday, September 22, 2010

There is hope!

With all the Day Care and their schedules, my children and their schedules, KFC and all that that entails, Eagle Projects, Bottling and freezing, Cleaning and weeding the list never ends. Then we go to take the dirty diaper to the Trash and witness this rainbow. It gives us hope. We live in a beautiful world and all this will be worth it in the end.
Thank heavens the Lord gives us these reminders when we need them. 


HedaWood said...

I know just what you mean. This morning I was late to work because my car got booted (my tire was over the line). Needless to say I was ready to have a bad day, but during my shift at work the smell of rain filled the building, cheering me up.

debbie said...

Thanks, I needed that reminder. I am so tired I could drop and still have Presidency mtg. and sister visits to do tonight. "Be of good cheer for I have overcome the world."

Lehigrams said...

Thanks for your words of inspiration. That really helps. Love you all.