Monday, April 19, 2010

Iron County Republican Delegate Convention

Erick decided to put his hat in the race hoping to change a bunch of issues that our current commissioners have really shoved down our throats. Erick only lacked a few votes to continue to the primary elections, but he and another did force out the incumbent running for re election. And that was very important.
He looks so professional and nervous

Erick taking his 5 minutes to tell where he stands on the most critical issues.
Governor Herbert and the Lt. Governor Bell are to the right.

Kasey and Shawn were delegates in their precinct.
We all learned a great deal about the government process in elections and where our votes count the most. So keep voting, but if you really want to make a difference and help choose the people that can even run become a delegate!
Everyone helped and supported Erick each step of the way and we appriciate and love you all!!


the Youngs said...

what what...what a good looking dad i have! lol he should have won.. thats ok i'm ready to hit otter creek for vacation time with the fam. love you all :)

Stephanie said...

Go Uncle Eric! How awesome is he for doing that. I am totally impressed. I have a Governor Herbert encounter, but not as glamorous as this. When he was the Lt. Gov., he and suited students joined me in the elevator in the Tanner 'Business' bldg. I was alone, and oh so very gross and stinky after dancing. I was quite embarressed for my presence in their professional appearance.

Lehigrams said...

We are proud of you 'Erick' for trying. And for standing tall for the things you believe in.